Today I am letting the housework wait for me (as it always does). I have a day off from the office, and I'm dying to get in touch with my creative side. Daughter#2 has been wanting to start a quilt for her bed, so I dug out my old tools, and in the process found the quilt for which said tools were purchased.
This is actually the first quilt I ever pieced, and never got around to properly finishing. I started it in the summer of 2001, when Baltimore Sister was pregnant with Boy#2. I thought the quilt top came out pretty well! I even started to machine quilt it, but I either got bored or busy, or ran into something I couldn't conquer at the time, and it's been packed away ever since. Sheesh, that was another house and another lifetime ago, it seems.
At any rate, I've really never been taught to quilt, so I went to the Great American Teacher (youtube) and watched a bunch of how-to videos. Then I purchased a $30 darning foot for my sewing maching, plopped the machine down on a table in the (waiting-for-me-to-clean-it) basement and voila! Quilting!
OK, ok, it's not great. That stippling thing looks much easier on screen than it actually is. My "meandering" looks a little hesitant, and you can tell every point at which someone started talking to me, because that's where my curvy lines take a sharp turn. It's too bad there aren't any videos that tell you how to make your stitches uniform, because mine range from microscopic to gigantic.
I'm sick of stitching for today, but I do plan to practice some more on this quilt while we finish piecing Daughter#2's quilt. Maybe I'll be pretty good at it by the time we're ready to quilt hers. After all, the housework will wait as long as I'll let it!
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